Ready for Wildfire firePLANNER FAQ

Ready for Wildfire firePLANNER FAQ
If you need assistance navigating our website or the firePLANNER tool, reach out to the CAL FIRE webmaster!
Provide a detailed description of your question or issue to the email address.
Many Californians aren’t properly prepared for wildfire, or what to do when wildfire strikes near them. CAL FIRE launched the Ready for Wildfire firePLANNER to help residents prepare for and stay accurately informed about California wildfires. With the firePLANNER, CAL FIRE can make quick and timely updates, making information more readily accessible to users.
The wildfire survey and checklists can be accessed by entering on your device’s browser. To view wildfire incidents near you, visit
No, the firePLANNER will not be accessible from the Google Play or the iOS App Store.
Yes, users can add the firePLANNER icon to a device home screen, providing quick access to wildfire readiness plans and wildfire incident information.
Android users will be met with a “Add to Home Screen” pop up message to save the firePLANNER to their device home screen. For iOS users they will need to click the share option and scroll and tap the “Add to Home Screen” button.
Users can answer four quick survey questions to identify their living situation. Once the survey is complete, a personalized wildfire readiness plan is produced. The wildfire readiness plan produces personalized checklists of information targeted toward evacuation preparedness, creating a wildfire action plan, maintaining defensible space and hardening homes against wildfire.
Questions asked during the survey are specific toward individual living situations, and include:
- Where do you currently live?
- Are you a homeowner or a renter?
- Does your property include: a driveway or access road, garage, a car, outdoor area with vegetation and/or a pool or a well?
- Do you live with a: child, senior, person with a disability, pet and/or livestock?
- Defensible space: Steps to take to ensure there is enough defensible space around homes and buildings
- Home hardening: Tasks to complete that will help make homes more wildfire resistant
- Evacuation checklist: Tasks to prepare you and your family for evacuation
- Prepare for evacuation: Steps to take when an evacuation is anticipated or ordered to improve personal safety and home protection
- Animal evacuation: Tasks to prepare to evacuate pets or livestock
Users can type in a zip code or location and quickly see up-to-date information about nearby wildfires, within 250 miles.
- Incident information includes fire name, acres burned, percent of fire contained, point of origination, current wind and temperature readings, as well as a link to full incident details. In addition, users can easily view a map displaying active wildfires in California.
Incident information is only available on wildfires managed by CAL FIRE, that are greater than 10 acres in size, in CAL FIRE jurisdiction, or for which CAL FIRE provides resources. To access the wildfire incidents page, visit
Yes, the Ready for Wildfire firePLANNER allows you sign up for text messages to receive information about active CAL FIRE wildfire incidents. If you choose to opt-in to receive text message notifications, you will receive alerts about active wildfires within 20 miles of your identified zip code. To unsubscribe from text messages, you will need to reply using “STOP.” To re-subscribe and resume text messages, reply “START.”
The firePLANNER allows CAL FIRE to:
- Prioritize user’s needs by making information easily accessible. The Ready for Wildfire firePLANNER is available at Ensure everyone has access to up-to-date information. The firePLANNER allows us to update information in one place and be assured all devices provide current accurate information and functionality.
- Meet users across multiple devices including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile devices.
Yes, if you previously registered to receive text messages about wildfire incidents, you are automatically opted-in to receive text message notifications about wildfire incidents through the web-based Ready for Wildfire firePLANNER.